MOVAIDO is Dwight Pargee’s signature approach to somatic neuromuscular re-education and movement therapy using the Feldenkrais Method®. MOVAIDO was created to help you...
Explore movement options to reduce pain
Clarify movement choices that re-educate your nervous system
Refine function to improve skeletal relationships with gravity
Experience less effort in everyday life activities

Feldenkrais movement therapy helps you through:
Clarity of gentle touch that listens, that instructs, that communicates options
Awakening your curiosity about how you move
Energizing your self-awareness for self-organization
Teaching your brain to improve your dexterity, flexibility, and agility

Whether it is a subtle movement and sensing of the nervous system and/or the mechanical movement of skeletal action, it is essential that there is clarity in communicating one's intention into action. For this thinking, sensing, feeling, and acting must come into a harmonious relationship.

Dwight Pargee, MS brings to you his unique blend of neuromuscular training. He is trained and Guild-certified in the Feldenkrais Method® of Somatic Education and is an Assistant Trainer in Professional Feldenkrais Training programs around the world. He holds degrees in Exercise Physiology, Sport Science, and Biomechanics as well as being an international rugby player and coach, martial artist, and recreational athlete. He is tremendously gifted in assessing and appropriately creating an experience of somatic learning and integration according to a client's needs and desires.
His skills extend along the continuum from managing chronic pain to refining high-level performance, from injury recovery to redefining limits and opening possibilities for the neurologically impaired. In 21 years of practice, Dwight’s gentle nature, insightful perceptions, a wealth of experience, and gifted touch have brought comfort and ease to many lives.
He works with a wide variety of clients ranging from competitive athletes, musicians, and actors to people with chronic pain issues, injuries, or those simply wanting to move and act more efficiently and gracefully. Dwight has a special interest in dynamic balance and stability, applied biomechanics, and neuromuscular learning.
How Feldenkrais Helps People
What is MOVAIDO? +
MOVAIDO is Dwight Pargee’s signature approach to somatic neuromuscular re-education and movement therapy using the Feldenkrais Method® of Somatic Education. This is a practice, a process, and a system for self-improvement. MOVAIDO is a form of “Somatic Education,” which means it uses movement and real-time awareness of your own body sensations to guide you toward the positive changes you seek. It is based on decades of research in physics, neuroscience, biomechanics, martial arts, exercise physiology, learning theory, and human development to give you the means to help yourself.
What can MOVAIDO do for me? +
There is a wide range of benefits, as diverse as the individuals who explore this Method. I hope you will find yourself in some of the articles on this website, and can get an idea of how others like you have experienced: whether you are seeking pain relief, extending your abilities, improving skill, enhancing creativity & peak performance or dealing with conditions of the central nervous system (multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, stroke).
How does MOVAIDO work? +
Your own body awareness and attention stimulates the brain to create new neural pathways that enable optimal movement patterns and function. This brain activity is called “neuroplasticity.” Neuroplasticity is what allows all learning to take place. As you learn better ways to move, you experience improvements in balance, breathing, coordination, flexibility, cognition, and spatial awareness.
Where did the name come from? +
The Feldenkrais Method® was developed over 40 years of research by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. He was a scientist and an athlete, as well as one of the first Europeans to earn a black belt in Judo. He applied his rigorous scientific approach to the study of movement in order to explore how we learn and how to improve our lives.
MOVAIDO is derived from: +
Mov – Movement is life Ai 合 – harmony, joining, unifying connection Dō 道 – way, path, practice
What does this have to do with neuroplasticity?
Neuroplasticity is the capacity of the brain and nervous system to renew themselves and grow new connections. Although this ability is greatest in children, scientists in recent years have shown that neuroplasticity continues to function in adults as well. Best-selling author Dr. Norman Doidge writes that neuroplasticity represents “the most important alteration in our view of the brain since we first sketched out its basic anatomy.” We know that neuroplasticity is stimulated through precise, directed attention to a wide variety of gentle and unusual movement possibilities.
Is it strenuous? +
No. Both Functional Integration® lessons, which are taught one-on-one, and Awareness Through Movement® classes, which are taught in a group setting, and, are slow, gentle explorations of movement that can be done by anyone, at any level.
I feel great and perform at my peak. What can MOVAIDO offer me? +
There is always room for improvement. You can learn to do what you already do well, more easily, with less effort, so there is energy left over to go even further. Many of my clients are professional athletes and performing artists who strive to be their best -they find their activities seem lighter, more agile, efficient and effortless.